Yellow Brick Road. Part 2 of Scene 4. The Anniversary Edition
Really wanted to make a statement here of where I wanted to take this blog and begin the era of Empowerment.
There was a constant comment from so many that read or have read Live LIve Live. Everyone got a message either bold or a simple thought. They got something that left them with a change.
A change in attitude.
A change in thinking.
A change in themselves.
I want to take this further and visit about this collection of my beliefs, my actions and the use of my skills to live the life I want to live.
To design the life I want to design.
We are talking about an inner satisfaction, a stronger sense of purpose and a change to share all of this with my readers.
To share this with you.
This starts with defining that passion, that fire that is in all of us. Some of us realize it early and are off to the races. Some are trying to figure out what it is about the passion that brings meaning to it.
Something that stays on your mind. You go to bed thinking about it. You awake and think about it.
That's what real passion is all about. Stop for a moment and stop beating yourself up over this if you don't have that passion on the level you think I mean.
Our lives consist of many passions.
Different paths.
Different goals. To empower yourself about this passion. Think about how it makes you feel, think and dream. Think about what you can do to steer yourself back into the passion when you get sidetracked. From the weather or relationships good and bad. From over thinking things to where you think about it so much that you are lost.
You have to just tell yourself out loud!!!
Remember the moment and write it down somewhere. Whether you are in a bar or a restaurant on a napkin as it hits you.
Whether you are cleaning something, stop and feel that moment.
I know I might be over dramatic about all of this. But it makes a point.
I am passionate about moving myself forward.
About living my life by my design.
You can ask the universe for help. The universes main design is to steer you toward happy. That"s what it was created for to move you closer.
It is always trying to perfect our lives.
It's always going for perfection because perfection can seem impossible.
This is about growing. Growing into this thing you want to be or to have or to simply feel.
I am reminded of a phrase that a close amazing friend talks about.
Leaning into it.
Well! I leaned.
I leaned so far that I fell out of my chair. But guess what? I got back up.
There was movement.
Oh yes there was laughter.
There was this feeling that stands the hairs on your neck.
Its' my spark of my passion.
My spark of my empowerment.
My design.
Your inner thoughts, your inner feelings have to be grounded. Grounded so much that you are really that artist, that writer and yes that star.
Then you start to look like your passion.
If you are going to bog yourself down with anger, with resentment, with hate and not feel good about yourself. Not feel good about who you are. Then your outside appearance is going to look just as ugly.
I can not tell how many people I have met thru the years that were born looking like runway models. But because they had all this negative going on.
All this lack of direction. Sadly they became the very people they made fun of or bullied. The law of balance always does just that.
What you give out, what you feel, you get back.
My internal gifts are so large that they were not meant to be used on my own. Part of the agreement with the universe is I am to show others how. To guide them to make their own designs. To empower them you live their life as the truly unique individual that are as a person.
You can walk your own runway and be in the sun..
But first you have to have passion about who you are, about what you want and the life you want to live.
Every christmas I decorate wherever I am living. I don't just have one xmas tree, I have three. I wanted to have a beautiful christmas. A magical christmas that I saw in the movies or a display in a store and I am jewish.... I know. But what can I say, I designed my life a little more every day.
That's the best part.
It never ends.
It gets as big or as small as you design it.
This is about the empowerment you carry in your soul. It is my mission to show you how if I can. It is my mission to share my joy. By you growing passionate, my own passion gets larger every day.
I started this campaign for myself a couple of years ago. I wanted to live my best life. I wanted to be shown my best life. Without hesitation, the universe jumped in and right away things started to fall apart. The things that I thought were my best life went away.
A real shit show!! These things had to leave to make way for something better. Little by little they have gotten better.
You have to be prepared or you will not realize them and they will fly by because the universe will keep presenting them to you.
A constant passion of living your life the way you designed it to be.
All of this passion comes with a disclaimer. There will be lessons. There will be moments that make you wonder why this is happening to you. Its happening because it's moving you toward the next level. Sometimes we have to continue the passion in to the next life because one lifetime was not enough because the passion was so large.
I do not pretend to have all the solutions. All the answers. I can only share or grow from my own experiences. That's what my blog posts are all about. Empowering your inner passion. It starts with a simple thought. It's up to you to take it larger.
That gift of your own higher sensitivity is a larger understanding of the universe.
Embrace your empowerment.
Embrace your power. It really is in all of us.
If you don't look for it, you will never find it!!!!
Thank you for reading my Yellow Brick road, parts 1 and 2. I will see you in the next one. Cheers!!