"To Sir With Love"
Being that I have spent at least the last 25 years in Hollywood, my dance card has become fuller. Actors, directors, singers and the list of hopefuls could easily take up the whole night. Music please!!!
I was reminded of how I decided to get involved in the world of entertainment. As I was thinking of how to answer this question, right away I went to the man I had followed to Los Angeles but as I have has the chance to mull over like so many things going on in my life that these now are my the current conclusions.
The entertainment field has been coming back to see me my entire life. As a child, a soloist singing enough to the point my peers convincing me they liked my voice. From there music major in opera and when I found the harsh reality of the daily stretching my vocal chords and the repeating the same exercises over and over again. It was no wonder that I was attracted to the glamour of the state, leading make-up and hair for the artists and there are so many things in between as to me today and then. Travelling on tour and more. So in Los Angeles where you can not spit and not find a billboard of the latest movie, television, singer etc staring at you in the face as you are waiting at a traffic light. My idea was to enroll in film school and from there leading into writing and continues to this very day.
Now, I was not operating from the Oprah level of confidence at the time, but my love affair with the vastness of the universe and the overpowering presence of something much greater around me got my attention every day.
Belief on that and then in myself as become my daily mantra.
Being well aware that so many of my posts come back to this very school of thought.
It really needs to be said over and over again all the time.
When we are surrounded by so much negativity that those of us that are brave enough to lead the ones that want to believe in something make some of seem like heroes some days. There has been a flood of us that are still reeling from the pandemic that some of try to forget but in reality it has changed a lot of us.
A force much larger that anyone of us was able to stop the world and slowly begin the small voices in our heads that we started to notice much how much intuition some of carry. Like so many I have gone over and over in my thinking and making a detailed list of all the things we have and take for granted.
An overwhelming sense of daily affirmations and giving thanks.
My labeling them one by one, it started to line up the yes list more and more. Where I was when we shut down and shut out everyone, the wonderfully given talents I possess began to pick up speed and since then I have trying to catch the train again and again.
Some of my current days I am riding high and there are becoming less moments when I am just standing on the platform and watch the train go by me.
The ones of us that have survived if anything life has taught us of how fragile it can be sometimes and it's flying by so fast with no use of brakes ever. More than ever I am wanting to thrive and live the life I desire. That has started back in my heart. The fire in my belly is roaring louder and louder every day. On a side note the pandemic pounds are starting to melt away faster and faster as I get back to me.
Pause for some dancing right now!!!!!!
Let us Continue....
The lesson of loving and believing in myself returned back to daily routine. There are a huge number still searching for love but as trite and cheesy as it might sound.
Your search for love begins with you.
Just how much you love yourself will start the moment to moment delegations of what you will allow from the people in your life and also what I call the Peter Pan spring cleaning moments of the ones that try to take us down.
It's important for me anyway that the ones that bring nothing to table can leave the table. You understand!!!
As for the actors, the truly great actors are indeed born.
But, and this is important, they will not realize their true potential unless they train.
Great actors are born with more highly developed imaginations. When most children play "pretend" games, that is exactly what they are doing: pretending. Gifted children play "believe" games.
Talent can mean many things. Each extraordinary artist possesses a unique combination of gifts and must work to bring them to fruition and to compensate for the ones he or she lacks.
Authenticity, sensitivity, imagination, empathy; a good ear, clever tongue; a resonant voice; physical coordination, flexibility, strength; courage, vulnerability -- all these are key.
Whatever you see in this list that you are lacking is where you need to start.
If you are diligent, honest, and passionate about your work, you will do well. The reward: Sometimes, sometimes -- through the temerity of your efforts and some accident of grace -- something extraordinary will be revealed.
You will discover your strengths and also what is lacking.
This is where you put on the big boy pants and start walking.
Like so many of the major talents that I have met and are still my friends, they have worked on anything and everything to be seen, heard, and exercised, to the extent where they built their career whereby the public came to them.
Cream really does rise to the top.
So the pandemic taught us the joys of streaming television.
You’ve streamed them, you’ve binged them—isn’t it about time you auditioned for a series yourself?
The titan behind “Stranger Things,” “Bridgerton,” and many other popular shows not only produces award-winning original content, but also provides a platform for young, unknown actors to catch their big break.
And the best part is, you can live anywhere and still land a role in the next series.
“So for the people who have heard me talk about the need to come to L.A. and get their career jump-started. The city will make you feel like this is the only place that you can do it,
Even so there are the random roles gotten in other cities, you can not constantly question your worth.”
So this post has evolved itself back to my friends in this business..
“I think we are all just doing our best, and when our paths have crossed, and it has started with my shared objective of success on just how to move forward". That's where I am now.
So if you are looking for the next thing, then start with asking to be found.
We all are born with a lot of the same talents but somehow in the delivery of them to us we missed the conversations.
We missed the support or maybe the ones around us are just not so supportive.
For those of us looking to move forward, it is so important to spend the time within ourselves and that should be the main drive.
Love will come, sometimes kicking and screaming. Sometimes way too much or not enough.
Whatever you are wanting to do, make the decision to do it. Remind yourself over and over till it becomes your habit.
There are some of us that go from relationship to relationship carry the same bags every time. We are sometimes so much in a hurry we forget to ask for the best for us.
For the best that life can show us.
You have to look for them to find them.
They do not just show up like an Amazon order. There is a lot of wisdom in this simple statement.
You have to order to receive.
Put in the time and the time will find you.
If you want to shine you have to ask for the light. It's really just waiting on you, on me. Do not worry if you are not there yet.
I will remind you over and over again. A welcome side effect of writing all of these powerful statements is a daily affirmation check on myself. Like I shared with a huge talent I know, my story is still being written.
So to finish my food for your soul, I had the need to share some past moments with you. In honor of a a brave actor that showed us so much as far as civil rights, and the equality of the sexes and our ability to overcome discrimination. The title of this blog. "To Sir with Love"
Thanks for being in my life. It has been awesome. Rand Angel for LIve LIve LIve......