Thank You, I Thank You
It is always a blessing to write and share my stories. Share my heart. Share my strong connection with the universe.
Let's start with a song
Writing was one of those surprise gifts for me. I did not dream of becoming a writer.
Writing was not on any to do list. Not on any hobby list. It just was not anything I ever thought about.
Writing started out for me in the form of writing scripts and stories so I could write more scripts. I was a Studio office manager. Like so many that go to film school, you want to be surrounded in the biz.
When you decide that this is your passion. Film is my passion and everything in between
For me it fills everything in my life.
I have worked with talent as far as I can remember.
For me my dream was to be a star.
Yes, the Hollywood Schwabs discovered at the drug store type. It was always cooking somewhere in my head. So how did I end up in Hollywood writing scripts. Well after a relationship gone sour and I realized I was in Hollywood. I woke up going back to school at UCLA in film first and then writing once I decided that I needed the tools to be able to write.
I had no clue whatsoever.
The reason I wanted to learn to write was after taking Talent management courses and ending up in a small studio in Santa Monica, there was a production meeting where we sat around and were pitching ideas back and forth. Forecasting the scripts that we had read that had great potential. A few of the people in the meeting who were the up and coming directors that were the hot ticket in Hollywood right now.
I ended up in a soul searching conversation with this amazing director. He said "Listen, if you want to be a director, you need to learn how to block scenes and write dialogue.
If you want to direct a film, you end up with rewrites that support the directors vision or your vision of the script.
That meant I needed to learn how to write scripts because in the end I want to direct my own films.
The reason for directing is I have a vision of the stories I want to tell. Stories that make a difference in my life, in your life.
I am one of those everything will work out for the best writers. In my scripts or the stories that I write, they all are a huge mess in the second act but the third act is all about fixing the loose ends and invoking a change in the character for the better.
Somehow you tie in the characters in different parts of the story that you begin to like them. You become a cheerleader to get them to the finish line.
I know I have gone off script so to speak, but I wanted to lay the ground work for the blogs that I write. One of the best things in the world is being able to lift someone up and give them hope. I have the unique pleasure of meeting so many day to day heroes. I notice all the things that people do for one another without demands for anything. They do what they do because life can not happen without these people.
I am wanting to thank the grocery store workers during this pandemic. The stockers, the cleaners, the poor greeter in the stores. They have to come to work. They are essential to us being able to eat and lay around and complain that we are stuck at home. They have to deal with those undesirables that blow up at them all because they told them to wear a mask. The thing about this pandemic is we are shooting blanks and just trying to see what can help us survive until we can find the cure.
I am wanting to thank the truckers and transportation workers that are able to get those supplies to the stores. The farmers that have been hit with so many demands of their own as they are fighting to just survive themselves.
I want to thank the first responders in the ER and the health care workers in the Senior Care facility. I definitely know about the Senior Care as I am a 16 year caregiver survivor taking care of my Mom 24/7 until she passed into the next chapter. I would do that all over again just to have another day with her.
I am wanting to thank the people that keep us safe from the cops to the firefighters.
It is really hard for so many of the essential workers not just the pandemic itself, but the mental issues that rise of having to be overworked.
Working long hours that when they get off work the stores are not open.
A lot of the front line workers are not paid that much above minimum wage.
It's always been hard for them but they were just scraping by before the pandemic landed.
I just wanted to do what I can to let the people know that I see them. Let them know we see them. Even though my work has not started back up, I can give them my strength, my gratitude. I can do what I can do to let people know there are lot just like me that care about them.
I lastly want to thank the people in my world. The talent that confides in me as they are having to deal with something none of us have ever faced.
I want to thank the individuals that have to deal with the different mood swings that I have had.
You know after I have listened to so many people that I know that are in crisis and then trying to lift everyone.
I just don't want them to be scared.
I want them to understand how great a gift each day is because tomorrow is not promised.
When you start to write and want to create characters. The most fun thing to do is go out and sit where there all kinds of different people passing by me everyday.
I notice everything about people down to the scuff mark on those things you call shoes with the heel worn down so far to the side you are leaning on the heels just trying to stand up straight.
Yes, I see all the things you think no one notices.
The more I notice, the more realistic the character.
Another sideline of character creation is you have to listen to the conversations of a Doctor or Retail Clerk or for me I end up in forensics because my favorite genre are Suspense Thrillers.
Oh and then so the audience does not start to nod off, you have to have someone fall in love with the serial killer.
Sorry, just could'nt help myself.
So after all of this build up here is the third act of what i wanted to do here for this blog piece. I want to thank all the people that are a part of my on going and never ending story that I live thru every day. There are many characters but for so many of them I am a mentor. Writing gives me that voice so I can bring a moment, or a positive thought into their lives.
It is a fantastic vehicle to be able to get out what I want to say.
I am thankful that I can express myself fully.
It is difficult for so many of my friends, but it gets better for them hopefully every day.
Writing has been a blessing for me to be able to escape into my stories, escape in to the scripts.
It has been a great vehicle to be able to release and not keep things up inside.
An added bonus on top of that is as a mentor, I know a lot of other mentors.
We all support each other.
We all the see the energy we carry and the light inside of our hearts.
We are borderline psychologists that have our own psychologists.
You just take all that times 100 and that is what the health system is dealing with every day.
To close, it is so important that if you dont take the time to be thankful for so many things we already have.
I can tell you when it's time for you to want more. It just might take a little longer that you wanted.
A lesson of life that I see happen every day. If you are doing one thing you love doing the money will come.
Money is all around us, but the people around me is my biggest wealth.
Thank you my readers and friends. Rand Angel for Live LIve LIve.
You say, what if I don't catch the dreams
That I've been out there chasing?
What if when my fears show up
I'm too afraid to face them?
Well, I can't fight your battles
But I sure can hold your hand and promise you
That the sky will still be up there
And the sun will always shine
The stars will keep on falling
For the ones who wish at night
The mountains won't start moving
And the rivers won't run dry
The world will always be there.
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