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My New Day

I guess like most people that have something to say, they all think they have this profound thing that they want to get out, to get off their chest. Well, for me it is no secret that I have a lot of those. I have had them for awhile now. For the first time in my world everyone i know is on the same page with me. We are all having to come out of this darkness that took over every part of our life. That consumed so much of our own personal path forward

It's a new year. A new year unlike any other.

We don't really have a script to carry us thru this year for like most we are all dealing with the same things.

We are having to wing it. Like by the seat of my pants winging it.

I am emboldened. I am confident. All of my internal signals telling me I am on the right track. My right track.

Are you ready to travel?

I have been in and out of entertainment for most of my life. EIther in the spotlight or shining the light on to the people on the stage.

All facets from assistant to producer.

From talent scout to management.

I am so blessed to have witnessed so many moments of the off the hook talent. The kind of talent that stays with you. For me I keep reliving those moments in my head. I keep living them in real time because you see I have never given up. I have never given up on them. I have never given up on myself. It is time that I own the fact that I know talent because I am talent.

The better I become at the whole thing, the better the individual experiences. I know what it is like to be connected to bigger than life talents.

I get them. They see me. They trust me.

That is a hard thing for them to do because there are so many that lie to them. So many that tell them what they think they want to hear. The difference is not just my own agenda, but their agenda. Acceptance of the talent is to let them be who they are as people. It gives them the freedom to create in front of you because they know you really want to see them. If gives them freedom to create for me cause they know that I genuinely support them. That even though some of the moments created for me are not in agreement with me.

As with anything presented, I make the decision to enhance my own life experience or not.

There have been so many times I sat down to write out my connection with the new year but there were just so many things that were still being sorted from this past year.

For a lot of my tribe there has been a huge void left behind because the ones we depend on for our very foundation are no longer here. My own Mothers passing taught me the lesson of personal mourning. The lesson that we have very different ways we deal with the sadness. For some the denial that last for years. For others full blown floods of tears that stop one from even moving a single step forward. There is a reason we pause when we get the notice of a death because it is impossible to say the perfect thing you want to say to those we love or care about. The important thing is to just let them know you are here.

All of us that mentor, our own mentors have been missing because of a difficult time to stay strong for the people that look to us for the answers. I asked the universe to speak thru me as needed. To speak what needs to be said for each person as needed. There is no blanket feel good statement that works for every single person.

So let us begin now. There are so many great things that wait for us to find them again. We are responsible for our own path. Take responsibility and ask the questions needed when you need help. More than ever we have to make a daily choice for happiness. I throw the weight of the decisions for myself to the shoulders of the universe. When I have just let go, the universe grabbed the wheel and the answers were huge for me. The ending was better than imagined.

So I end up .........

Giving second chances

I don't need all the answers

Feeling good in my skin

I just keep on dancin'

When I asked the universe to show me my best self, it did not let me down. I started the road back to my own requests and to live as myself again. There is so much power in being real. Real to myself. The quality of the people that are in my life is impeccable. They are incredible voices for incredible things that will happen for themselves and for me. You have to look for the road so you can see where you need to travel. Everything else will fall into place. There are no coincidences. All of the things that make us who we are sometimes just wait patiently until it is time to show themselves to us. The law of balance that took so many things will swing back so many to replace the ones we lost. You just have to look for them.

There is so much more that I want to write and share but because of the depth of the thoughts, it is best to given in small increments for fear that some really important points would be missed.

So Happiest of New years to everyone. Remember when you are where you are supposed to be and doing what you want, everything will happen so quickly that it appears like magic.

Thank you reading Live Live Live. I am here for you.







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A Blog by Rand Angel

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