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Living in the world of Randnation!!

There have been so many days where I have started to write my next blog that it became a huge effort to even begin to write. Truth is so many things happening in the world we used to recognize have had me questioning what is happening here.

What am I doing here? The actual messaging that I wanted to share was I know how to make things better, that I know what living life to its fullest meant for me. The rules are that it needed to be relatable. Needs to inspire, motivate and most of all it needed to he happy. If it was going to be a true primer on how to live in the world of Randnation. If all this criteria was met, then how could it not make a difference.

For myself, your author has tried to create a story or stories of the things I have shared, the people, the places, the incredible moments of inspirations because when it came down to it.

My mission has been to show you how to make a choice.

A simple choice.


Our world in America has changed over night as we were shown disregard for human life, for respect of each other and lack of empathy as we have been numbed over the past four or so years over the enormous amount of our brothers and sisters, of our tribe that have left us.

This year will mark the 5th year of this blog that began as a vehicle for hope, joy, dreams and the connection with the universe. Of something much larger than we can imagine. An understanding of the force that is around each and every one.

All of my life has been a protest of not being tied down to any box. Years of marching. Years of asking the universe to show me how to make my world more of what I see it to be than what others try to tell I have to live in to survive.

Before we get a little deeper. Let me share these words that inspired a march that i got to be a part.

But no one knows me, no one ever will

If I don't say something, if I just lie still

Would I be that monster, scare them all away

If I let them hear what I have to say

Productivity has for years now been the measure of the success of my days. On good days, I am productive: cleaning my condo, knocking off the annoying long standing to do list items. I have no sleep pattern really. I like early mornings and I love to stay up all night. I sleep as needed somewhere in the middle of all that. I've trained my body to be capable. I cook, read books, write, organize both my stuff and thoughts and religiously maintain a journal. Keeping up with texting my friends. Even those I've been meaning to connect with and call sometimes my extended family that located in all sections of the planet.

Bad days, on the other hand, are unproductive!

A bad day for me is a day in which I am not actively accomplishing something, or ticking tasks off my list that contribute to this idea of improving myself and creating my ideal life of this world I imagined.

I have goals for myself, and so many of the hours I spend each and every day are moments spent in pursuit of those goals. I want to be fit, healthy, and strong, so I exercise—long walks, stretching which is the life blood of staying young. The list goes on and if you know me then it can be intimidating for some.

Being me is not a walk in the park. That is just too predictable.

The things I once did that were the measure of my good, my successful days, have been made difficult by the pandemic.

I've been burnt out. Anxious. Unmotivated.

I've found it hard to muster energy and enthusiasm to tackle much beyond my essential day-to-day work, let alone the long list of cooking, working out, reading, writing, and cleaning I used to power through on my best days.

Then there are the physical barriers: even when I've had the motivation, I've had fewer means to replicate the good days of the before times. No gyms for working out. All of my groceries ordered online while removing some of the spontaneity of cooking with new ingredients procured in a moment of grocery aisle inspiration, so many hours spent living and working in my condo that the messes to clean are becoming bigger than they ever were before. There were days that looked like a fire on the set of SNL.

This loss of control has been hard, incredibly so. I’ve caught myself on the edge of a spiral many times over the course of the past 11 months, a full-on frustration meltdown, because I have felt so powerless to do the very things that made my days feel great and make me feel better in my crazy world. "Being productive is a wonderful way to create a good day—the pandemic has taught me that it isn't the only way."

I've allowed myself nights of takeout dinners, reframing it not as a failure in my ability to cook a delicious meal but as a small luxury I can afford to take some pressure off my plate after a long and busy day of work. Sleeping in late on the weekends, taking a long, lazy, slow morning, is an indulgence rather than a mistake—didn't we crave more of those slow mornings before the world as we knew it ground to a halt back in March.

It's important to learn to let go of the need to control a situation, to weather it!

I am surviving this new normal, as best as we all can, and in so many ways there are opportunities to appreciate the new routine rather than fight against it.

So please do this with me. Take a deep breath: it’s going to be ok.

You're doing enough!

I am doing enough!

Today is a good day.

Music is the soothing saint

Use me to feel all your pain

I'm all yours

Music, I'm your dearest friend

I'm here when there's nothing left

I'm your guide.

Listen to Kate Hudson sing. Yes.... she can.

I am here writing another post to share and yes, inspire us away to live in the world we imagine. It is what I live for....

There have been the undercurrent of how democracy was failing us as we have had to learn to once more get up and do something.

Over the past 4 years I have marched in 7 marches. Peaceful protest do work. For women and gays rights and black and brown lives that matter.

I never expect for any of my tribe to march. Some of them do, some don't. It is not a requirement to be my family.

My past has been filled with hate, with tragedy, with despair but the difference here is how I learned to turn it into something of value. Valuable to me. It is because of so many layers in my life I am able to let everyone know. It does get better.

When our capital in DC became threatened, I watched along with so many of you as they tried to destroy one of the few things that have maintained as a constant for me. I believed in democracy before it decided to believe in me. The words protect and to serve are not to far off from my own world of Randnation.

As far back as remembered, I have been a fixer. When my own abilities to see what is not seen, I have just wanted to make everything I got involved with just work itself out. I help as much as I can help. It is a gift to help. I love getting gifts.....

This blog is my welcome to all of you that read my posts.

When this exercise in helping of where and when I can began, it just practically wrote itself.

My hope always was that there would be something I wrote here that made the difference.

One by one there have been visits from all over the world here. Visits to Randnation. Visits to Live Live Lvie

My blog has been sought after to be branded and packaged up into one formulaic production which also came with rules. In spite of how tempting the offer has been to buy Live LIve Live. The truth is you can't put Rand in a corner.

I have no corners only circles.

So today the State of Randnation is a good day.

Let us live in peace.

Freedom has never been free for me. It has billed me many times for payment due. I have always paid the price.


To choose Happy is a constant choice.

Thank you for coming to visit Live Live Live. Thank you for reading my thoughts and thinking.

It's ok to have an off-day, a *gasps* lazy day. There are no rules. Just don't beat yourself up over any of this. It will be OK.

There will be red carpets ahead. So let's just walk!!!! Live Live Live. about Being Alive







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