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It is About to Get Real! Real Quick!

On the outside, always looking in Will I ever be more than I've always been? 'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass Waving through a window

When I had decided that I wanted to write this blog. It was to be an accounting of my lessons that I learned or the people that I have met in various settings or adventures. I was worried that I would run out of things to say or to share. For those that have endured knowing me I am sure you are shaking your heads because I can never stop saying or sharing.

The very reasons I had to start writing these posts is because my soul became so full.

My stories became many.

As I opened up more the universe gave me more.

I take full responsibility for everything I have ever said or done. I am responsible for all of the things that have happened to me not just the success I have had, but the lessons I learned to get there. They are my lessons, my wins, my moments and if I am going to take you there.

I have got to be real.

They are mine!

The Winner takes it All. This is not Temporary.

Something right off the bat is that no matter how many people I speak with or write to on any given day or time, there is a common thought from everyone.

That lesson is "You want to be Validated"

I became responsible for so much in the beginning because the things that people talk to me about require correct and clear thinking. True lessons to help them or console them. I am able to reach in and without trying, they tell me about themselves. They talk about what they have done or want to do either personally or in person. The conversation always starts asking about me and with the next breath its about them. When you read that statement you might think "No I really want to hear about you". By listening to them speak their truths about themselves they find out about me by the time we finish. They don't realize but I really only wanted to know about them as I have issue sometimes really talking about me.

I am validated because I show up.

I exist.

I live. I could not have so many people trust me if I did not take the time to know me first.

To know why I am here.

To function as my higher self.

We all come with our own calling. It is that thing we know of what we need to do or think about from the time we were playing in the sand as a child. As I dug and moved more sand, as the sand became to take shape, I knew then as if someone stood behind me and said "You are a talent!"

For the rest of my life I would constantly ask myself "Am I a true talent?" Or am I just truly talented?

Am I a True Talent or just truly talented? Am I just Waving Through a Window?

Everything I have gone after or wanted to do. Everything I imagined. They have all appeared to me. Even the things I imagined I did not want would as well because they would teach me what I really wanted. What I have always wanted is "Substance" "Belonging" Being a part of something that is greater than myself. WIth my going after such lofty goals is it really any wonder as to how I have evolved.

I allow my creative to create without judgement. I allow my substance to form substantive thinking.

Because I wanted more I got more.

Because I got more, I gave more!

There is a moment in everyone's life that they are shown or know their destiny.


We must, no I must have it thought out as to what or the why my intention is.

What it is intended to do?

Just exactly, what is this post intended to do?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Everything I think or do or say is going to come back to me.

So if it is going to be awesome than I have to be awesome to you.

To myself.

My intention for anyone reading this post. Anyone that truly gets to know me. The ones that have stuck it out. My intention is to move you to a higher thought, a clearer understanding of who you really are. To know yourself . To understand your destiny and why you were given this gift before you were born. It is what and how you share that with the rest of us that will move you to the place you are meant to be. You can be huge about it or give small hints of your gift. The gift is not going away. If you let it out, truly out, then you will soar so fast. If you hold it back then you are going to be constantly looking for your validation.

A part of my higher self is to validate, to show, to believe in your destiny. This very post is part of your path. Your Validation!

It's all a part of the higher consciousness that has arrived in this world. It's our path to get to the next level. Because, if you think this is big, the next one is more than you can imagine right now. It is more than you know because you simply have not experienced that.

But you will.

We all will.

At the end of every conversation, they will ask, you will ask. Is that OK. Was I Ok. Am I OK.


Own you ownself.

To thine ownself you have go to be true. Be True to You. Remember that. I know you do.....

In every disagreement or wanting to get your point across. The common thing said. "Do you hear me? "You are not hearing me " and so on. Again Validation!

The very reasons I meet the people that I do, the people that I get close to. The very things I participate in is because I see them. I hear them. I pay attention!

When you get that insecure feeling about something or someone or yourself. You plant that thought out into the universe. The person, thing or whatever will pick it up and it can grow or not. You can erase it as simply as you thought it. If you love or care about someone, if you just tell them out loud. I love you, I care about you. As corny as it sounds, they will get that message. Thinking expands your very path

So I am bombarded with my own talents. How I am going to use my talent, my writing, my motivations. My Knowing!. I have to use it for myself. It has to fill me up and out so that it overflows on this page and you and me. We are Validated. We are someone. We are who we are. We are Talent

This time of year brings so many challenges as we are forced to deal with our traditions. As we think about what have we accomplished. Well if you have read this far. Then you are Validated. You and I are part of each others world. Respect that. Own that.

It is Real

I will keep on filling myself up. Filling my cup over so I can do what I always intended to do as I wrote this blog. Why I write this blog. I love more than anything else to give. To give without expectations, but intentions to be part of something bigger than myself.

Thank you for reading and being a part of my path. I love you. Rand Angel Live Live LIve








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