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Having more than One "Reason D'Etre". (Reason to Be)

Been visiting my reason to be so many times since I started this year. This started re-visiting my request to be shown my better self request which was my internal Ibot.

My internal self has been seeing the changes in myself sometimes rapidly or maybe a slower drive as the answers reveal themselves to me when I am ready to see them.

This is important to realize for your own well being. Asking for things starts the magical process of the universe giving us or me for that matter exactly what I asked to receive.

You have to be ready or the responses. There will be the random requests that after you get them and you will get them.

I begin to ask,

"What was I thinking"?

"Should I be more specific"?

"Should I be more detailed down to the last point on what I want"?

Yes! A resounding yes!

My experiences have been so incredible the more I think out what I really want then the closer to my goals coming and these huge gifts appear.

In physical forms sometimes and if the universe feels I am ready.

It will send me the surreal and spiritual forms as well.

Every day I ask for the miracles to appear. I do my the affirmations to myself. Seeing myself receiving them because deep down inside I know they were there all the time.

Powerful realizations here when you connect more and more with the light that surrounds us. There are days I need sunglasses and there are days that seem so dark. But the dark days are becoming less and less. I just plainly don't want them anymore.

As my writing progress shows itself on so many things.

I realized that instead of suicide notes, I wrote love notes to myself.

Stop right here! That was a strong statement and moment that needed to be handled and pull myself out of the what if spirals that we all go down. It requires work and a constant reminding of all the things I have and am blessed with which outweigh that the spirals.

I wanted to show a little more personal side of me to show that I started from a huge emptiness years ago.

It was my decisions that I wanted to change that and keep on looking for the magic and the light that protects me daily.

It's so easy to lay in bed and wonder "Can i get out of my bed and do what I need to do today". There are struggles some days where I contemplate just that just like anyone has done.

I am human and real. I hurt and love like all of us.

It is how I handle my hurt and love that makes the differences to me. I am sure you have heard this before or have read it before. SImply put it starts by putting one foot in front of the other and then another. That's how we all start. It is completely up to us as to how we finish.

I make the decisions to not give sadness the breath it needs to survive. I remind myself that I am capable of love more than hate. Instead I write to the things that make a difference. Whether I send a note to ones I love to remind them I love them every day not just some days. My distractions are better than actions some days.

If something is going to stop my breath or take it away then I would rather it be the smile on the faces I know. I spend my days sometimes remembering what good feels like. The things that make me feel good, feel happy and just plain feel alive. The things that have caused me pain in my life came with a disclosure. "You will learn from this". I looked and still look for the messages of what is happening to me daily. "Why am I being shown this"? "Why is this happening'? I go thru the process of reminding myself I am a great person. Full of hope!

Full of Love! I

f that message is not resounding over and over to me then I need to process why I let myself be sad or miserable from another thing or person.

I have had years and years of being shown I deserve better cause when it comes down to it. I deserve better for myself. So begins the circle of asking for better. This blog is my better. My better moments.

My sharing myself and being real to whom ever and where evers that come across my message. This blog is part of my "Reason D'Etre". (Reason to be).

I have had the pain and gotten out of it and I just simply want to remind you and myself. There is always something better. Something around the corner that is coming to me.

The mere anticipations of that all is what drives me every day.

I let all this fluff keep me warm on the cold days.

I will always choose better days over my heart breaking versus not beating.

I want to feel all of it other than nothing at all.

For me that is living.

For me that is my survival.

The messages I share are what the light has given me. Why would I not want to share this with my loved ones.

Share this with someone that needs it.

Share it all.

I always want to give back because I have been shown so much.

I love to give.

Give from my heart. Whether we believe or not. We are all in this together. We are all connected.

The good with the bad.

So for me I want to be good connect for all of you because this is why I am here. To show you and myself how!!

Rather than having the days to run away from it all. Rather than I have the days I want to stick my head in the sand. I want to see it all and live it all.

The more I accept life!!

The more I live life!!

That is a beautiful thing!!

I think people need to be reminded as to what the good feels like, So it is simple,

I will remind them!.

I will support them!.

I will stay by their side!. You are simply the best. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for being in my journey of personal discovery. Rand Angel a writer for Live Live LIve....







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