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Who Am I???

Huge question right off the bat. Not just giving you my name, but the who and what is here driving me and wanting to share experiences.

Share moments and hopeful that there be a word or a phrase that will help someone and help me.

What is the thing that I am wanting to have happen here?

Being a mentor for me is an honor!

An honor just in the fact that the people that are listening to me, the ones that want me to spend the time with them.

To just be hanging out with me!

They do not know how in awe I am of them that they want me in their world. So with being a mentor to them!

To you!

The words have to be more than just words. The words have to have meaning to give us hope, and motivation. To want you to have a big life, a big moment that you know you are moving forward.

These words that I write here first of all have to be more than just rantings and impulses or whims.

They have to project my heart! Have to project my soul! My light that I have inside of me! If I want to go big here, I have to be big!

There are so many moments that when I know I am going to see my people, my loves, my rocks in front of me. I have to prepare an internal conversation of topics that I want to give out. Points I want to give so that these people, or that you walk away feeling better, feeling pumped because I want you to succeed.

I want the guidance I am giving, the lessons I am sharing is going to move them! Move you so much that I feel just a little closer to you and maybe loved a little more.

Liked a little more. Inspired a lot more. That's the reason and a small part of who I am.

There is so much I want the share or show the people in my life, the people I meet, all the moments that I want to be a part of that it can be presented in a deluge of thoughts or messages, of things I come across in the media.

Media junkets is how they are labeled.

I forget that I have to have permission to enter that space, to come into your world that plainly maybe you just are not ready for all that.

Even though i hear the word permission, i have had to learn to put the brakes on that.

This is clearly a learning moment for me and you!! I am like nature or better a tree that has branches that go everywhere. Those branches dont just go straight up, straight out. What they do is go in all directions. No rhyme or reason but in the end, you have a full tree, a full life that together with all these branches are who I am as a person.

It is a huge undertaking to have the guts to put yourself out there.

To say what you want to say.

It is even more of a challenge to be heard. To have you listen.

A huge life lesson that I learned out of just trying to get through life without so much pain.

This is the lesson of wanting to be loved by someone.

I learned I did not need them to make me happy.

That was on me! If I want to be happy, I have to be happy. Straight up!

That hides the pain when they dont love you back because you already have that love.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will take that love when it is given, when it is expressed.

Mom did not raise no fool.

We are good with that?

With this?

Forever more there will be lessons.

There will be challenges, But if I dont challenge myself then what I am I doing?

I am settling. Not this One!!

Once you get to know me you will sense that there is no settling. Sometimes, you have to give it up a little in order to get a lot. You have to be sensitive to that person, to that group, to those readers. My readers, to You!!!

It's hard to blend their world into my world.

To be a voice that you hear that has you listening to me.

This is who I am!!

I have created and been given a platform to do the power of the universe.

To introduce you to the hopes, the dreams, those moments that you want in life.

Growing up and to this day, I was born a Jew.

A Gay Jew! But that's not all of who I am.

If you want to be equal, you or rather I have to be the equalizer.

I have to let people in to my world so that I can give them my messages.

To give them your message. Hell! I want to be A Jewish Gay Oprah!!!

Even after all that, I just want to be me. To be true to myself.

You know there is this actor that I have allowed into my journey. An actor that is so talented.

Do you ever have those moments that when you meet someone that you get goosebumps?

That you start speaking in jibberish because the words just can' t quite form. da da da Duh, Ok.

This actor came over one time and I was being interviewed.

You know a little secret when people meet you they interview you, especially the gifted.

They want to see how big your gifts are or even how big mine are that I have. Basically how smart you are. Especially if they are Mensa IQ's of 180 and up. Wow

The question I was asked what is the one thing that your Mom gave or advice she had given to me growing up.

Without even a second passing "Be True To You". Be who you are as a person.

That's what this message of who am I all about.

I have to start with me so that I can give you my energy.

Give you my light.

My message.

Starting this blog and all of a sudden years have passed and I am still writing.

Still mentoring.

The one that thing that goes with living life to the fullest.

You have a lot to say and I say "Yes". I accept.

I truly want the best for all of you,

For You!!!!

Getting through this pandemic. Getting through to you. For me I discovered the joy of Facetime, Instant Messaging, Texting, and TIk Tok!!! So much information in my face.

Even with all that there is nothing like being in the room with them. With you!!

Nothing like hugging them.

Hugging you.

At the end of all this, I am trying my best to cope.

There is so much responsibility that goes with sharing the parts of my best life.

Of my Best self.

Yes, there are more and more things I need to learn, to experience to grow if I want to do this.

If the universe did not think I could handle it all.

We would'nt .

I could'nt be here today. Right now.

Writing these messages to you. Because this is "Who I am".

Rand Angel for Live Live Live. Thank you for reading and listening. I share my love. With all. With you. Cheers!!!






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