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My Impossible is Always Possible

"We can't choose where we come from, but you can choose where you go from here".

Really wanted to start off strong and throw you into greatness right away. Bring you the light from the start.

So just Listen.....

With all the constant tension and underlying sense of not knowing of how we are going to come out of this pandemic can make you a little crazy.

For me living in the positive is a better place to be and it is one I try to keep staying in almost every day. It is like an addiction, once you taste the juice, then you want more. I gotta have that juice.

I think it's really important that you surround yourself with people that are going to be supportive. Not just here and there support but a constant beacon in your life that when you are around them, they don't disappoint or let you down.

I am all for constructive criticism but when you are around the same people that always criticize and they justify that by saying things like "it's for you own good".

Condescending 101. Its not healthy at all. They will make you hang on longer than you want because they are what I refer to as the "Sweet and Sour" people. You know with all that we have to deal with on a daily bases, it is not healthy for us at all.

Living well requires constant work.

Constant affirmations. Constant research.

I spend an enormous amount of my time looking for the sweet stuff from my tribes. I am really happy that I have spent so much time finding the right ones. They become your life.

We all make mistakes but the supportive ones don't yell at you and then tell you are awesome. They just always say the best thing to you. The supportive ones will listen and say next time you might try this or that. They will start the responses with reaffirming you as a person and then list options for you to try and leave you with the intelligence that I know is there to make the best decision for you. You are always going to do what you want anyway. I just like to leave you with options

The supportive ones are around when the day is not quite what you imagined and they will steer you back on track.

I feel confident in the facts that I am just that kind of supportive for the people I truly care about and in a lot of cases for complete strangers that I meet every day.

When I am walking past people I can sense their energies really quickly and they have no choice but to sense mine back because my confidence and my self worth are major forces.

I did not always have these traits on the surface but they were waiting to appear in my world once I knew I could handle them.

The energies that are flying around right now are trying to stop you in your tracks because there is so much uncertainty.

There is a reason we pray. There is a reason I am constantly asking for things from the universe. This time right now is a healing time for this world!! I knew right when all this started to appear that I was going to have to be the grown up in the room. I had the incredible sense from my mother's spirit that I would understand the choice to not just make it, but to live it.

You see, my Mom was and is a very old, old soul.

A Holocaust survivor.

Full of so many life lessons that were given to me on daily bases even when I had no idea what was happening to me when I was growing up period.

All that I got from my Mom in the very beginning is this one sentence when I was 8 years old. "You look at things much more deeply than others". "I do that too". Mom smiled at me with this big smile.

We all have those moments that we remember every detail and everything about it that we can draw from it at a moments notice.

For those that are getting to know me. I am what as referred to as Intuitive that's sensitive to the energy around us and and every instant thought that comes from the person when I focus on them individually. It can be a man or women.

I can be minding my own business and suddenly blurt out to the person I am talking to at the time, "Tell your Mom the best is yet to come". Then go right back into drinking whatever I am drinking. I have no controls over it but I can tell you those moments have always been magic for the person that received the thought. The Universe and I are really old friends. I am just the hook up to its greatness. I just wanted to put this into street verbage so if you are reading this you will not think I need another Xanax.


I am just listening to the noise that is around us all every day.

It's a lot of pressure to be the messenger sometimes. When the sentences appear they can take people off guard and the thought can be so jolting sometimes, that they will analyze the sentence and days later the light goes on and they get the "Ah Ha" moment.

For me to be able to connect really quickly with different people is the fact I was supposed to tell them that very thing at that very moment. Just like I was supposed to sit down and right this very sentence to you now.

So I would like to leave you with this thought.

"Please do not listen to the constant noise of panic".

"Do not listen to the madness"

Listen to the inner strength that carries you forward.

There is a constant cycle that all of us go through that mentor or write these post for you. We constantly read each others thoughts.

We need the consistency of the thoughts every day. The Power of Positive requires a lot of juice and I intend to drink it every day.

I want you to love everything about yourself.

You are the reasons for everything.

We will pull through this as a team. Reach out more than you reach out.

It can change lives for the better. And don't you want to be a part of the bigger picture. I will see you there.

Dream a LIttle Dream of Me

Rand Angel for Live Live Live

Love is the music that makes me dance.






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