Turning the Page. Learning to Breathe
I am inspired!
I am impressed!
Above all I am here with you, with all of you as we are going thru a lifetime event. As big as Passover. As big as World War ll. As big as AIDS. As big as 9/11. Yes!!!
I finally understand the decision to not just survive but to live it fully.
These are my ongoing eternal questions that have been tossing in my head.
Are you working hard enough?
Are you getting out your message?
What is your superpower? Asking that of me is a step closer of doing what I am here to do. My superpower is to instigate people into their greatness. To get them excited about today.
It all returns back to this thought......
When so many gifts have been given to me, so much is expected of me!
Here is some music that inspires this moment.
The times we are all living thru right this very moment. We are being forced to look at ourselves and ask the questions of who we are as people, of why is this happening. What will happen to us?
These intense internal self worth questions have a variety of emotions.
For me I reel from happy and then to my values on the line which speeds into am I going to be here when this is over?
Yes!! Absolutely yes.
There was a moment a few years ago when I was looking at me in the mirror. Really looking at me. My eyes. my skin, my smile, my.....It was this moment I realized the image staring back at me was beautiful.
I was not comparing me to my drop dead gorgeous friends!
I was not concerned of the comments made by others to question my abilities.
I actually saw all my layers, all of my quirks and gestures. All of me. What had appeared to me was my very own personally beautiful, intelligent, amazing me and I loved it.
This was the moment I became beautiful to everyone else. The people had noticed me but now they were taking the time to look.
Looking at me.
Seeing the real me.
I was as hot as the hot people I wanted to know.
Because now people listened.
People heard me.
It has been awesome every since. After that moment then it happened again the very next day and that became a few days. A few days became a week, then months, then decades.
I am living my best life.
This became my mantra to figure out what I wanted in my life. Of how I wanted to move myself forward. My own life without external relationships. To focus on what I wanted to do next just for me.
Only for me.
The goal now had become "Define my own happiness".
"What is my next journey"?
So I became adventurous. I started to take more pictures of me.
Began to make videos of me.
More Facetime with the people I care about and even some I did'nt. You know the people that you 86'd out of your world. When you return to them, they are still the same. No improvement. No understanding. They are the same hot mess you left.
The realization is you would never be accepted fully by those people.
Because quite frankly they will never understand or accept you as you are because they are just not capable
You realize that you can no longer spend one more second trying to fit in their world.
The truth is they never really fit into yours. That right there is freedom. You know all those moments when I doubted who I am as a person were just judgements. My judgements on me.
When I stopped judging myself, my own sentences about myself changed. No longer spending the time analyzing the moment but just going with the moment.
When you see yourself as you are and accept the whole package, then you become the gift for others.
When this whole horrible moment began that we going to live the days the Earth actually stood still. It was the very next day I did not see any issues.
I only have seen the possibilities of it all.
I have reached out to all kinds of people that I have not spoken to in years. I have been researching my next business goals. Building relationships and cementing the ones that are here to stay. The only reason for me to not be happy right now is not even admissible. I have taken the time to tell people when they have worked on something or just plain out did something great.
I have taken the time to acknowledge the things people are doing to just survive. To see the real heroes around me every day.
I notice them.
I see them.
If I kept doing things waiting for acknowledgement then I am not sharing the gifts I have been given.
Earlier there was the question of Superpower. My next thoughts are....
The very act of being real with people. I am complimented daily on the realness of me. I will hear on any given day from people.
"It's refreshing".
"It's honest".
"It's real".
I don't have to remember what I said to anyone. I am humbly a human being from this universe. And we all are really a part of a whole. It's my decision to be Happy.
I want to take the time to thank the people around me that deliver my mail, that sort out the things I eat in the stores. To thank the people that clean the surfaces everywhere I go just so I can continue to breathe.
I want to thank the people in my life that are amazing, that are talented, and simply who are so beautiful to me.
All of you have given me so much that my heart is full.
If I can give back just a small piece of that back to you, then I accept.
I really know now the decision my Mom made to survive the camps when she had been given a death sentence.. The day that sadness passed over me and left me with the gladness.
I am here!!!
Rand Angel for Live Live Live...... Let's do it.
Now for some parting music. Hit it!!!