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Going Big! Living with my Higher Self

When the day finally came, she stepped out of the darkness for the first time. The liberation from the catacombs in Paris had begun. From now on, the idea of building a family for herself was a constant desire every day.

For almost two years, my Mom with a group of children had hidden in the Catacombs in Paris while Hitler had taken over the city in World War II. They lived there out of sight. Each day seemed longer than the next but her focus would always be on living. Anne Frank had a similar living arrangement as well. Anne lived in hiding in for 25 months. As my Mom would later share her stories or moments. It was common for children that escaped the camps to forget most of that period. The personal horror and tragedy that they lived with daily had deadened those memories. That is how they moved forward

Pause for music. Moon River

There are those larger than life moments that you have in life, that tend to build your path for living. I would be remiss or clueless if I did not mention our own hiding that the world is going thru right this very minute. Every day for me I am challenged with this constant reminder from my friends and even merely acquaintances that I encounter as I am doing my shopping. I hear the lovely words, "I am bored".

There is no magic word that can immediately be spoken other than "We will survive this"

Every day there are lessons evolving for me, for my friends. It can be a huge challenge for those that are not used to being by themselves. For those that need to be around someone daily because they would have to be confronted with themselves. So many of us spend so much time being busier than most. It's a survival technique so you don't have to deal with harder issues in your world. The hope is you will be so busy you forget the stress.

My own experiences are that I have lived by myself for so many years, that I found how to play on my own or by myself. A huge blessing is that I like me alot. Even love me a lot. That very emotion is what people pick up from me pretty quickly. It has also been known to intimidate some without even trying.

Confidence is sexy. Pure Stop!!

So with all that lead up to this point, I will begin. This hibernation survival mode is a big thing. You can label it as just that. But don't let it become the biggest thing going in your life. There is no set of rules except, Be Kind. Be Careful. Stay Alive.

There will be many lessons that we will share as we come to grips with today. For me , Just like my Mom. I choose to Live. I choose to be happy. These are controls I can control.

This is just another chapter for me living as my higher self. Of living my life with intention. To have that clearness of what I want to do for me, for myself. To have the details on how I want this or that.

TO think about it clearly!

I picked up an early lesson of asking for what you want.

If you want something then be really clear about all of it.

If you just casually ask for something. The response will be the same. But, if you think about it clearly, then your answer will be clear.

This is just simple fact that the universe gives you what you give. Loves what you love, does not hate what you hate because those are just emotions. They are not based on reality but merely based on moments.

Living as my higher self was a clear choice. My request was for the tools I would need and the lessons to be learned. This was such a huge request, that the answers, the moments,the reponses have been just as large.

Asking for that has been a game changer for me. Along with that request, my opportunities, my experiences have been so incredible.

Remember what you ask for comes with this caveat. You have to be ready for the response. You can even state. "Make it a positive moment that will come with that energy that I know I am headed in my correct path.

It is a daily moment for me. I am not thinking they will always be be big moments for me. But if I ask for them to be as many miracles that I can handle so that they will be incredible. For me how I am handling this is being happy for the day.

Asking for the next day to better than today.

This gives incredible hope. This gives incredible energy.

I have had incredible times talking to some of the people I have known for a long time. Seeing them on Facetime or Skype. A common comment is "You never age". I know that. I am a child stuck in an adult body.

Like Peter Pan. "I will not grow up". But I will grow inside.

I will continue.

That's a great feeling. Of course it only took a Pandemic to make it happen for some of the people I have not seen in decades. They are just as guilty because they never reached out to me. I have no problem reaching out, of finding some of the people that used to be in my regular circle. The great thing about reaching out is you have control over who, when , how and why.

I forgive everyone and I forgive myself.

What has been interesting is they are doing the same thing they were doing when I last saw them. It makes me thankful that I am always growing, always moving forward because in reality what would I be doing if I wasn't doing this right now.

To be clear there are days that run together but I quickly stop that by writing out my feelings, my wants, my desires, my moments. This works for me.

I am beyond thankful that people read my blog. That people listen to what I have to say. It is awesome to be seen. To be understood.

That's part of my higher self coming into focus. Everything I touch, every person I spend time with I try to leave some of my energy.

I love to lift people up. Its just the most rewarding thing in my life that appears on a daily bases.

I can't be concerned as to what people may think of me. Truthfully if they don't like it , they weed themselves out of my world as quickly as they entered.

My Mom would always say "One Day at a Time". "One step at a time"! "One dream at a time".

I honor each one of the moments. For me this very time that I spend as the world heals, I heal myself. I love myself just a little more. When I stare at the image of me looking back, I like what I see.

Every new day is a chance to finally get it right. That's what I asked for from the universe.

"Give me a chance to make it right".

Please know that we are all going thru this moment with uncertainty. It is important that we help each and everyone that you encounter. That you leave them with something that makes a difference. But my dear readers. You have to start with the person that looks back at yourself every day in the mirror. You have to help You!!!

Time for some dancing music. Dance by yourself. I never wait for anyone to ask me. That way I can dance all the time. Cheers!!!

Rand for LIve LIve Live. I will be watching!!!






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