Looking Forward to Going Backward
A rule of thumb for writing or wanting to get someone's attention when you are telling a story is you start with a disaster, a wedding, a birth or maybe even an over dramatic break up.
Breaking news!!! etc... Once you get the reader's attention which as you noticed I got yours right now. That becomes the soul purpose to yank you out of your normal day to day world. I am always thinking I will introduce a strong statement or a re assurance of a feeling that you relate to in order to move anything forward . A feeling that will leave you hopeful.
My intention for writing my blog is to move you forward.
It's my intention to make things better for you my reader with just a simple thought or a simple action.
When you take the role of a mouth piece to speak as the universe. The universe puts it statements to me and I pass them to you.
Every day I am constantly looking for signs that I am moving in my best direction.
A great thing that had happened for me was when I requested the universe to show me my best self. As quickly as I could get the words out, I received signs or statements in a form of a voice in my head or from another person. It was if it became so magical in an instant.
When you ask for your best self to be shown to you be prepared for what will seem at the time that everything is changing all around you.
Some ot the things will be so brilliant and some will make you question yourself. That's what change is about and the main point for this blog piece. You will begin to look forward as some of the past begins its lessons again for you. The lessons of "will you need to experience that past lesson the same" or "will you handle it easily this time". You can ask for the tools to handle anything, just be prepared to hear the answer.
The most important thing to remember is the universe will handle every single detail.
The more you trust the universe, the more detailed the response. Always and always the universe is after the main goal.
For you to be happy.
This sounds so simplistic when it is stated this way, but the reality of getting that answer becomes your life's work. It has become my life's work
If you asking for such profound results tnen your answers will become huge. Each lesson form the past makes the future easier for your results.
When in actuality I am looking backward to move forward. When I am given so much then so much becomes even more expected.
A current side effect of me finding my best self has been the healing of my soul. With the passing of my rock, of losing my Mom to this physical world, my personal healing as been coming into focus. All the things that have happened to me, the great and the devastating moments. They are all my story. The lessons that I have learned are what I share with all of you. The lessons that i experience will lift me up and I will take you with me.
Go big or go home.
Let's Rise up
That's what we are doing here. I dont want to make a small impact, I want to go large scale.
Are you with me? Well, my readers I am with you.
I had to pull away from you to see how amazing you all are as people. I own the fact that I am a constant series of scenes you see when you are around me or read about.
It is a visit with my ego and this is not about my ego.
It is all about my purpose.
My purpose, the reason I keep writing my blog is each time I post a blog piece, I get another moment.
My purpose becomes knowing you see what I see.
To move you up as I move up.
It clearly makes sense that I want the people around me, the ones I truly care about to see my lessons so they can be as happy as I am today. You know I recently told a friend that I want to stay as happy as I am today, but I want to go up above that even more.
This movement for living life fully comes with a responsibility. I am responsible for this living life large because it is a huge undertaking to move all of those around me forward.
By taking on this role, my own life gets even bigger. That's what all of this is about. The huge thoughts go hand in hand with something bigger than me, than all of us. If we embrace that largeness, then "everything in my world", "everything in your world becomes even greater.
I had to experience pain to know joy.
I had to know loneliness to understand love.
I had to ask for my own lessons so I can teach you about owning something bigger than just each of us individually. We are all in this moments together.
Ask for happiness and once you seek that answer then happiness will come to you.
At the end of the day, I see you.
I hear you and that's why we all reading this together. I just have to say "Thank You".
Written by Rand Angel
Lets go over that Rainbow