Following your Life path. There are no Short Cuts!!!
But, I want it now Daddy, Mommy, or anyone who will listen to impatience.
Impatience! That ugly word that zaps the magic of those Ah! Hah! moments.
The path to patience is impatience!
The lessons you painfully have to learn will get you back to more of those Ah Ha moments.
It is OK to ask for hints of what's to come. It is OK to whine if you want but it always falls to deaf ears. And truthfully none of us want to listen to rants and raves of moments of crazy..... That's when you cover your ears and start saying loudly "NAH, NAH, NAH".... over and over again until the voices leave, the negatives leave.
It's only a moment.
It is how we choose to handle and deal with the impatience will suggest just how large you will win in the end.
And Yes, you will win.
Even though you try to jump over the steps, they come screaming back to you. There is the moment that you realize no one and I mean no one can do this for you.
It is your own personal path.
You want to own it all.
The lessons and adventures that took you there is for you to remember and when the path is right at the door, you get to enjoy it completely.
Yes there will be support.
There will be people that can only guide you as far as they have come or as far as they feel you are ready.
Pushing people past the steps only causes more steps to create them. We only want what is best for those we care or love and even the ones we are not completely sold on at this moment.
When you have so much talent and so much internal gifts it can feel sometimes that you are ready to burst. You can avoid the explosion completely. Just lean back, take a moment and let that feeling wash over you at that moment. Because you took a moment, the moment gave you your answer.
It can take practice but the more you give into those universe moments. The more the universe will tell you.... Let it wash over you...... Music Please!!!
For me there are those moments that seem so hard to capture, so hard to understand why its not today. Why not now?
Very simple, this answer. Not right now.... This does not mean never, it means eventually.
If you were not looking for the answer, then you would find the answer.
If you spent only a moment on this moment, then is it not logical that you only get a moment's worth back.
The more you spend the time into something , the larger the outcome. The more glorious the prize....
Yes, there will be people that want to take the credit for your success.
There will be the ones that attach to your dream.
There will be the accolades you want to give to the ones that really support, just support and kinda support your path. We are all part of the universe path.
The larger and bigger than life moment here is that this is your dream, Your path. Your moment.
I want you to take the complete credit that you spent the time. That you spent the anguish. It was all you. Your decision. After that how you deal with the patience, the moment, the end all. Thats also your decision. Even as insane everything can feel at time, you really have more control than you realize.
You just have to be patient. You will not get to where you want to be without it. I know you hear this over and over, but you really need to enjoy the journey.
For me, I celebrate every small moment that turns into larger outcomes. I acknowledge every gift given. I honor every step.
What is stopping you? You!!!! It can change the moment you change.
Just follow your path. That's All
Thank you for reading my blog. For sharing my thoughts. For feeling my energy..... It is an incredible journey.
Let us s leave with a little traveling music.... Rand Angel for Live-Live-Live. Cheers!