It's My Passion
I like to think of passion = emotion as belief = feeling,
Acting with belief is natural as we believe in ourselves and our ability to accomplish anything before taking it on. This passion of ours!
The belief that we will do great or be great creates a confidence felt by others that in some cases might even be so intimidating as to draw attention to what we are doing.
You can't help but feel the energy when you are around someone that is passionate about what they are doing at the time or who they are believing in themselves to become next.
When you have those I can't go to sleep feelings because you are too excited about what you are doing or in pursuit of then you have stumbled on to your passion.
FInding your passion is sometimes more difficult than anything. Some wander about looking and looking and feeling less than because they cant find that passion. That is something that does not let you go.
How do you find passion? You simply don't. Passion, I mean true passion will find you. You can't escape it when you discover that belief, that emotion. It fills you up like nothing else and until you start moving in its direction, then it will cause you to be anxious, be worried, feel like your life has no meaning.
For some of us, like a miracle in the shower. You feel the water spraying down your back and all of a sudden you hear your calling and as if the sun shines right down on you at that very minute. You see yourself being what you believe. That was my experience!
Dramatic.? Hell yes!
As you begin to feel comfortable with your beliefs, your passion grows. It will even take a different turn here and there but all roads lead back to your passion. Cant escape? But then why would you. It feels amazing, incredible, it's beautiful.
Music time!. Jordan Sparks "One Step Closer"
Remain passionate and continue to believe in your passion and yourself. Remain open to change. Remain open to ideas that help you improve.
Remain flexible for the sake of victory. If you choose emotions, you will find yourself in a very bad place with a series of bad decisions that will force you into a corner you may not be able to recover from.
Too much LOVE rather than passion as they say “love is blind” even in your passion
Success is not a one-time event, it is the collective effort of your past years of work, your ability to see beyond the calendar marks and the resolve to only make crucial decisions that will get you one step closer to your goals.
The worst thing you can do in life is doing the minimum possible and waiting in hopes that time will correct your mistakes.
Passion is one of those great things in life that have so many meanings (as it’s a different thing for each and every person), and at the same time can’t really be put into words.
Whatever yours is, I know one thing: You need to follow it, put your heart and soul into that thing and dedicate as much time as you can.
It’s the reason you will wake up with enthusiasm in the morning, it’s what will move you so much that it makes you cry.
I can only relate to cry because when I am doing something I really love, I get emotional. When it stirs my heart I will tear up. And yes I scared the people around me when I cried out, “I’m alive! I’m feeling this, baby!”. They thought there was someone in the room with me. There it was, it was my passion. You can laugh now
These are just how I deal with my passions. Yes, Plural. I have many passions that have stemmed off my beginning one. The passion itself will steer everything back to your path. Be creative with how you handle your passions. And your passion will be creative with you.
You must try something, pay attention to how it feels, adjust and then try again. Nobody gets it right on the first try, or the tenth or sometimes even the two-hundredth. But then there is that two hundreth and one. Nirvana!!!
There was a moment for me when I was in pursuit of my passion that I got steered into writing. For me it was so foreign. What, I am not a writer. What I was great at was explaining things, figuring things out so I learned how to put that on paper. That turned into telling a story that led to its own passion. That took me almost a year to let it go. I went to agency after agency, agent after agent until I found someone that listened. 37 agencies to be exact.
Off I go with my one story and my one agent. Meeting after meeting. From you are incredible to you are a loser. Then the reverse, loser to incredible. That horrendous meeting turned into a divine intervention(that's another story) complete with rain. It never rains in Los Angeles! Well after that I get home, listened to my messages and I got another meeting. That meeting was almost the 100th. The next day I sold my story.
And that’s was my road getting closer to my passion right there.
Passion is attractive. As passion comes from believing you’re unusually good at something, being passionate is a very sincere way of saying, “by the way, I’m awesome”.
Passion will persuade people to follow you. It will persuade people to believe in you. But most importantly, passion will persuade yourself.
Passion is an emotion specifically intended to make you go crazy and work your ass off at something because your brain believes it could rock your world. As I was writing this my passion became more alive as each word was typed. It felt awesome!
It’s something you take seriously — it’s deeply important to you, yet you feel intimidated. You don’t want to screw it up. You don’t want to spend years of your life going in the wrong direction.
Your greatest passion is within you.
You must not only have a passion for your life, but an earnest desire to help others.
If you can’t get as thrilled about helping others with your gifts then who will see you shine.
Passion comes from you and only you. And it goes wherever you want it to.
Surround yourself with those that see you passion not with those that are blind to your gifts. This is your time. Spend with people like you.
Passion attracts passion!
So, can you feel me! Can you feel my passion? Lets dance with passion. Thanks for listening. Thanks for reading my blog. Thank You for being you!