Changing Doors
You ever have one of those moments where you feel like something huge is going to happen?
You can't quite place the feeling. You wander around in anticipation of where or how this is going to present itself. You go out and buy a lottery ticket. You feel lucky! You enter for the one zillionth time the Publishers sweepstakes because you feel this time this is going to happen . You start shopping for luxury cars, looking at new places to live. You imagine the whole time you find out and how and what you are going to do the very first thing. This is all great cover for avoiding dealing with something.
Dealing with life because it's not where you want it be right this very second. The deadline for everything passed and you feel slightly disappointed that this was not the day, not the time.
There is small voice telling you to keep on looking, to keep on believing, to just plain keep on keeping on.
That very thought, that very instinct is what separates you from the ones that don't win.
You have to try in order to win.
You can never stop trying.
If you are not in pursuit of something, of anything, then what do you have?
That's right a big fat zero.
This blog is not about the losing or even the winning. It is about how you handle the "Changing Gears', the "Changing Doors".
Cue the music.....Listen
We are all presented with issues, problems, temporary set-backs, however you label them. We go thru the same things sometimes over and over again. The difference every time is how we deal with them . How we cope with them. How we change our ending each time as there is a small amount of hope and you pick yourself up and start over again. You start the change as you go out another door.
You think your issues are different from anyone else.
That no one else has gone down that road before.
You are right.
It's your issue,
your path,
your door.
Own the fact that this is all yours and specially designed for you so that when it does work out, then this is all on you.
Change is always going to come!!
Again, Change is always going to come. There is always going to be another chance.
Just how many times you are going to win, fail, try and succeed is all up to you . For myself, there are always challenges, set backs, issues and I would not be honest if I did not tell you that for a fact and many of them.
I have won over and over again.
I found a secret a long time ago.
I stopped calling myself dumb.
Stopped saying "Why Me".
It all started when I said 'Why not Me'?
Anything I choose to pursue, I can find out what I need and if along the way it was not what i wanted, I can quit, but not really.
I have learned new things along the way so I am really better off than not even trying. I get to mark that off my endless to do list.
I have learned to not be so hard on me.
To tell myself I am different! I own that completely. Just by reading these very sentences, You own it too. Where there is agreement we have a commitment. If we can see the same light then it will never be dark for us ever again. You know for yourself what is the best. You my friends are not at all dumb. I just opened the door for you even more. Let's Do it. Smart is always sexy. Yes.
Thank you for reading my blog insert today. I think about all of you all the time. There is a lot of strength out there from you reading these pages as I feel it so very personally when you do. You are the best. Cheers. Rand Angel for Live-Live-Live
Another first on a blog, If I may? I would like to introduce you to an amazing Asian Talent. "Chen" . The song is Beautiful Goodbye. Thanks for listening