Begin It Now
To commit has boldness, genius, power and magic in it.
So, let us begin it now.
Wondering where this is going?
Anticipation of an announcement!
From this moment On
Great! There was a real need of a stop you in your tracks, of a lets' go here moment. Right now!
When you begin it now, you travel beyond the point of no return.
Luck and miracles become your new normal.
You have become a magnet for everything you need to accomplish your personal requests.
Don't dwell and expand the thoughts to where you don't recognize your results.
Gracefully, quickly, humbly receive your wants and desires.
Receiving is the most difficult of all. It is far more difficult than giving. Receiving at where you are now or in an heightened level is your sole purpose.
The universe wants to give you everything as soon as you are ready to receive.
Creating your dreams and then committing.. Seems hard sometimes.
We are our own personal bad friends to ourselves. We start saying. "What happens if I don't get to where I want to be in life"? "What will the people around me that support me say "?
So to simply state. "Your decisions lead to your destiny" "Do you believe that? You most definitely should . It's all true!!
Guilty of the truth.
I want you to start believing right now. "You Matter"
"What you do matters"
That what you do right now changes the possibilities for your future. This matters.
Try this with me.
Choose to be positive even when things are scary
Fight to win even if you had the wind knocked out of you.
Be honest even if it means you'll get embarrassed
Take the time to learn new skills, new talents, new ideas when its way too easy to just be who you are right now
Invest in your personal inspirations. Don't think this out of control.
So an actor friend of mine is going to do stand up comedy. So I wrote a quick what it could feel like doing open mike night as a comic moment. I have never done this before. Here goes
I am supposed to go onstage in 20 minutes. I take a shot of peach schnapps and Fireball cinnamon whiskey at the bar. I hate drinking too much alcohol, but I’ve got to find some way to steady myself if I’m going to go through with this.
The host introduces me. It feels like my feet are bolted to the floor, but there’s no turning back now.
I slowly get my legs moving and walk onstage.
The blinding lights beat down on me and my armpits drip with sweat.
Thank god I wore a navy shirt that won’t show sweat stains.
But then I worry:
Are my pants too tight? Did those shots I took a few minutes ago turn my cheeks red? I’ve never felt this self-conscious in my life.
I begin. I was going on a blind date. The doorbell rings. I started to laugh. I get a crazy out of control moment. I fart.... HA HA Ha!!
I began!!!!
Be positive at least 5. 10, or 15 times each day. If you did 20 a day for the next 15 years, that would be 109,500 opportunities to create your better life.
Think you can't control your life. Think again! You have no excuse other than you did not begin.
If you are obsessed with income. Income will seldom exceed your own personal growth. If you want more, then become more. Unless you change, it will not change
When you get rid of that blame list and start becoming a better version of ourselves then the only conclusion is that everything else will begin to change around us.
Now you know. The secret is out!
There is no secret. If you dream big and I want you to dream big then don not be overwhelmed by the large picture. Start by starting. Start with one then two , then three times a day to do something related to your dream. Or you really going to say. "Where do I start"? Guess what you did. You asked yourself where? Go crazy with it. Make a quick list. Don't overthink this. It's as simple as passing gas like on my blind date joke. It has no control. It's going to come out. Ha Ha!!
You have been given your dream for a reason.
So right now. Begin your best life. Surround yourself with the people that will support you no matter what. You know the ones that agree with you when you want to stop being a lawyer and be an actor. Yes You!! No negatives. Not even one. If you start to get those then stop. No more "I can't do this to I CAN do this.
These simple changes will change you. You deserve your best self.
Your best dream! Simply the best! Look forward to tomorrow. I am.
Let's end on this!!. From Now On!!!!
Thanks to everyone that supports and reads my blog...
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