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Confessions of a creative!!

A few years ago, arriving in Los Angeles was a daunting move for myself. Moving across the country from East Coast to West, This was such a powerful change that it took me about a year to realize where I had landed.

Los Angeles!

Here the creative challenges lying ahead. The place where I was Big Cheese in a city with others meant the competition would be larger, scarier and much harder to conquer.

My reason for back story here is for those that do not know me or anything about me for that matter.

The greatest thing that happened for me is I had finally found focus in my life.

I found a field that has no ceilings, no boundaries and no end. (Yay)


The only way to jumpstart this was to jump in and find my way. UCLA first stop, classes in film and Talent management. I wanted and to this day still want the same goals to make films and manage talent that is so brilliant and impeccable that it would be something that carries me into the final chapter of this journey and be so strong in my light that it would continue into the next journey.

My film courses pushed me into Studio managements of different high profile or A listers as we way in Hollywood. My meetings there were huge education points for me as well as networking with the A list in Hollywood.

This became a source of power as well as a secondary goal of learning to write scripts so that I could one day direct the talent because I knew how to set the visual.

My stories would create visions of what I wanted to show the world and myself that even after hardships and pain, they would end in a happier place or come to better understanding of change that would in someway make their life better.

As a writer, I am reminded of Charles Dickens and his writing of the "The Christmas Carol" of where the characters follow you around and become friends as you try and solve the stories that you write. The cascade of never ending issues that have to be resolved because you became stuck with a plot that sometimes seem like a never ending story in itself.

For me it would become my life line to escape so many personal challenges that I would have to overcome. A means of expression that opened me up to so much that it is impossible to describe in this blog.

Let's just go with these terms.




I apologize for the laundry list of accolades on myself but what brought me to my writing desk today was the need to simply say....

"If you believe in it, this will happen"!

For me It has been happening every since the first day I landed in Los Angeles. After moving to Las Vegas, I am grateful that my strong ties to LA continued and I felt as if I never left. This concluded with the decision.

Los Angeles, I am coming back!!

My resolve has never been clearer. The lessons learnt here showed me as strongly as I believe, that the belief and the outcome always come together.

A simple request to the universe of god or however you label that energy around us always listens and steps up to the plate every time you do.

In the end and always since you were born the universe wants your happiness to be paramount.

The more you sense it's presence the more it rewards! Again, the more it rewards.

I am fortunate to have been raised with the knowledge that anything is possible.

The universe always comes through!

Sometimes the path may seem out of left field, but if you hold on to your dreams.

The dreams hold on to you.

Expect MIracles!!

Miracles surround you every day!

You just have to notice!

Always give thanks to the light inside you.

By giving you always receive!

What you receive is up to you!

It burns brighter every day.


Let's end on a high note. Hit it!!






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A Blog by Rand Angel

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