Live,Hope,Love and then Repeat! The Mentors Mentor
This all started with I want, I hope, I love, I live my life to the fullest.
My hopes were to be able to touch one spirit and make a difference in someone’s life other than my own.
Well done that!
Did that!
Got to do that!
Welcome to the Second Anniversary of Live-Live-Live. This year momentum picked up and landed some really great readers, touched some hearts and moved myself ahead both spiritually and mentally as well as establishing a larger goal.
A personal goal!
To find my higher purpose, my reason d'etre. Why I am here....
Sounds really deep.
Well it is and continues to be. After all the years of reading Dyer, Zigler, Oprah etc... There was always a common thread. They all kept reading other motivations, other teachers, other established speakers on positive awareness.
A constant thing every day.
I never really heard it until recently. A powerful tool. A refresher. A reminder of who and what i am doing here.
We all want validation that we are right!
We all want to know we are heading on the best path for ourselves!
As for myself I always ask for huge sign. Something that smacks me in the face. That causes me to catch my breath. The universe knows I am ready for that and knows I relate to drama.
So i get the Angels, birds, light and strong voices all saying "It's OK!"
TIme for a song.. "Love me Like You Do"
I heard the message finally. I asked for my higher purpose. Like Magic, It was answered.
My life started to fall apart.
My world started to look different.
The larger the obstacles, the larger the Angels.! (that's a very important line).... The larger the obstacles the larger the angels.
I look forward to the challenges and I look forward to me. When you ask for something so big, the universe has to make way for the moments. It has to clear out the old that are no longer relevant.
It has to bring me the support that appears from nowhere and it has to show me the love.
By reminding myself every day of the gifts that I have been given. Of the light. Of the people that appear in my life and they all say the same thing. "It's OK!
I look so forward to my journey. I see things clearly and more defined. I got rid of the word age.
It serves no purpose.
My age is not for sale.
I market a better brand now. A bigger brand. Rand Angel. And "that's OK"
So i want to leave you with this thought or thoughts to ponder. I hope you understand I love you. All of you. I live thru you all of you. I am happy and full of light. I look forward to a bigger life, a bigger love and most of all myself. Thank you so much for reading and listening. I cant wait to see you again. Live-Live-Live
One more.... One more..... Get ready to live this moment. A classic with the King of Pop