My Legacy. My Life. My Demands
My "Legacy". Sounds powerful right?
How I want to be remembered when I am into the the next life I am to live.
All around me there is a need for so many of my friends to make a difference, to make a point so they can have that moment of I did that.
To measure the success by all the things, the toys, the money we have made is not as fulfilling as it was meant to be .
That measure can not ever be measured because it never ends.
I have been so blessed by the experiences that I have had and try to share that with others.
It's only natural for me to want everyone I care about, everyone I think about to know what I know.
My view of the world is thru my lens. Of what I see, of that I think and sometimes what I see to others is just not the same.
I can only hope thru my descriptions, thru my stories to paint the picture as best I can in hopes they are as happy as I have chosen to become.
Remember Happiness is a Choice.....!!!
So the very word Legacy in it's image sets the stage for my Scene One as they say. So to begin....
My Legacy is every Life I have touched!!
Every thought I have given!!
Every image I have given to a person thru a story or a moment so that they can see things better or hold on to that image that made them stronger.
My Legacy is You.....
Time for music. Stay with me its gets better. Just a City Boy that took the train going anywhere!!!
Made you sing along if you listened. Thanks for indulging.
My world is always evolving and changing along with yours.
A very important thought you realize that even though you know it already it becomes clear that you have to stay focused on your own motivation and your own inspiration.
I am just a path but there are many.
Every day and sometimes every moment we have these thoughts that come from no where that shift us into to being not being sure about everything. Every though we had in that conversation, that moment that inspired and made us feel alive.
That thought that made you feel electric!!
I have these people in my life that are so supportive and will tell me how much I have inspired them and it feels really great, Right?
My life as confident as I am and secure as I am revolve around the people that touch me by giving me titles. "Creative". "Artist" "Mentor" and the last one I always wanted to be called. "Fearless".
When you hear them give you permission to be that title and you just agree immediately its because you did not see or were not aware of how you touch their life. Of how you touch their world.
Everyone expresses themselves in their own way and just when you think they dont see you, they do.
The truth is that they always see you and when the moment is perfect they tell you.
For myself because I set my friends so high and they are intense because in case you have not noticed. I am the "Queen of Intense".... It feels great to say that.
The title "Creative" came from this incredible artists and being told that from her was my permission to be myself.
The title "Fearless'. came from someone that is incredibly fearless, incredibly brilliant, incredibly sensitive to life itself. I could not help but see myself pulling the sword from the stone and holding it to the sun.... Powerful indeed!!
I want you to ask the universe or god or what ever you see as the ultimate power to show you a sign that you are moving towards your greater self.
A sign that is so strong that it wakes you up and you feel the hairs rise on your arms or your neck. That you feel so alive and so hopeful it takes you to that thought and you smile.
The sign that you are living out your truest, highest expression of yourself. That next level.
Then my Legacy has become real to me because I took you there.
I gave you the winning Lottery ticket to life.
And isn't that what Life is meant to be?
I love you!!! Just as you are!!!
Remember to take time every day to read an inspired thought, to hear an inspired thinker, to see a person tell you that you can be the best of who you are.
Because my dear friends it is all true.
That vessel you inhabit, your body take care of it..
Its your secret to the next one that your soul inhabits.
Make it Glorious!!!
I leave you with song.
Life is a Banquet. All you can eat.