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The Transformer. Here at Last!

Searching my entire life for the answers to the questions of why we are here.

Looking for the essential sentence or groups of thoughts to explain the awareness not just in myself but others. A growing number of like minds and like studies that as I would come across.

A book or an article that provided food for thought.

I or we became stronger!!

There are prophecies that abound thru the years, thru the centuries that forewarn us of the coming.

The dramatic and scary explanation started to gain speed as we approached 12/12/2012. The prophecy that was stated wrong of the end of the earth from the Mayan civilization. The mayans were not evil but a loving society.

Like so many of the past generations when we don't understand something, it easier to label as bad or wrong because of the difference that attacked our normal day to day.

"The Rapture."

The emergence of the Self Help books that multiply faster than we can document the studies or the thoughts. In my case my early twenties of being a student of Sylva Mind Control. Keeping this book beside me since I was 22, "Think and Grow Rich" or "Psycho Cybernetics" as reference before I stepped foot out the front door.

Every day I refer back to some thought, some point that moved me forward.

As the years pass, there are the passing of people around me.

Some in bulk as the early AIDS epidemic which never went away but is now better controlled.

Scary for me as I lost over 150 friends and you throw in a few assorted boyfriends made me needless to say I became numb to death.

The surprising things all my life would be my Mom's ability to quote ideas from these books daily and dependent on the matter at hand, she picked the best to make the point.

Her advice would be very simple ideas, not so profound that she was another Norman Vincent Peal, Wayne Dyer or the Iconic "Oprah".

Maybe because she survived the Holocaust and death for her was even more numbing than my own Aids crisis. She never read the books I mentioned.

The light was in her!

Elevated and powerful!

And the soul is still here!

The old advice and points that you learn about living from the dying and as I came into contact with friends and even my own mother as they passed.

I would be given small miracles to hold on to as I was shown glimpses of the next world, the next dimension and huge clues as to where are going.

My favorite expression of this seeing of our future was from the Hopi Indian tribe. "The Great Spring".

When we asked the questions of why did we lose our mothers or siblings? Why did my child be born and on only live 4 day? The truth is that this was the purpose of this earth vessel. The passing had a life long effect on each of us as the lessons learned would elevate the soul, the spirit.

Some or most of us would understand. Some would look at me like I was from another planet.

Well maybe!!!

Because the soul or light, the life energy never dies. It looks for the next physical vessel to enter and make even more progress to move us to the enlightenment.

The explanations are not meant to flippant or just tossing a reason that we attach to as its purpose for being here.

The movement has begun, not going to start, not already passed but here today.

Right Now!!

There are enormous numbers of us evolving and in touch with not just the five senses, but awareness of the soul we are all part of that is guiding us daily. With all the lessons learnt.

We have learned how to get our power back.

The child that lived for a moment chose to enter the earth and be with the family, bring the gifts of that soul and leave immediately to leave them with that moment that is so powerful that it never left them. As for how I relate is the fact that I think of my Mom every day, several times a day and never question the existence because it does exist.

The wisdom and the compassion that were shown to us from this light we encounter. That very four days of life, that lifetime of age were the gifts that stay with us.

Thats why we are affected by it so much.

"Cause and Effect".

The third law of Physics.

What goes out comes back!

When you line up with the power. That is the Transformation. The strength is not fear of whats now. External Power.

This is about Internal Power.

Authentic Power. About "Love".

Change the world! Change Yourself!

The ones that read my words, the ones that get a single sentence, the ones that live their life better.

This is what I always want to give.


We are sensing more than we could in the past. We are going beyond the bodies and minds. We are sensing the immortal light and the more we align, the brighter the light. This is now.

Live-Live-Live. The time is here. Don' t be lost. "Be found". We are the messengers.






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