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Its the Fight!!!

So to begin. How are you? What do you think about when you first wake up after a night sleep or for some an interrupted sleep?

If you are wanting change, it can be hard to work on that change.

If you are stumbling, if each step seems so hard then there is your signal.

Change is coming!!!

There will be moments of doubt.

When you move forward and take two steps back.

When the struggle seems impossible to overcome then, Change is coming.

All you want is something better, something for yourself, for your children, your mom, dad, etc.. the list gets bigger but the change starts with one thing.

It is you.

No one else, It is you.

Your path is your path, there is no one path but your path.

Its personal and designed for you.

There is the freedom because its your design, your wants, your vision, your thing you want for you and then everyone else will follow.

Everything else will follow.

If you want help, you have to ask!

If you want a miracle, you have to ask!

If you want change, your have to ask!

Once you throw that out request out there, the answers from the universe, from your god, from your beliefs are beginning work on this personal request for you.

Just how big, how glorious, how amazing the answers will be is how big your faith, your belief is in the change.

You have to know it will work best for you!!

It will work the way that you can handle the change.

We are all at different levels on what we believe.

It's because we are ways evolving.

Always growing.

What seems like a failure is actually a lesson to the next answer.

The important thing here is you have to fight.

You have to to fight for your belief.

You have to want to win.

The end goal is to always win.

Whatever path you go down, it might seem like there were a lot of wrong turns along the way. In the search, you end up back on the path because you want to win.

You want to live.

You want the path you want.

If you are fighting, if you are moving and taking one step each day, big or small then that does not matter.

It can go as big or as small as you, want as fast or slow as you want.

But there is the key word.


With wanting and fighting for the want. You get this awesome small or in some cases larger than imagined simple word.


With the hope from your actions, you win the fight. You change!. You survive and go on to the next journey. You keep moving. Thats what life is about.


You can start the day with wanting the change. You plan out what one thing today is going to move you forward. You fight!!

I fight every day because I want.

I hope!

I believe!

I live!!! Damn it all. I live!!

For a little inspiration and keep the light moving, lets listen and embrace this fight.

Thanks for reading my Lifers!!! Thank you so much. Live-Live-Live






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