The Look of Love
His eyes staring at me across the table reminded me of a sunset. His eye lids almost a purple red as he danced his glances at me. I thought: "Whoa"... It became clear from each word, from each response, We were hooked....
This is a passage from one of the many romance scripts that I wrote that never were sold. I am a Lover of Love. I am sometimes referred to a hopeless romantic.
There is nothing hopeless about my romances.
As I have been sharing the inspirations and the motivations that make me move, there was a side that you have not heard much about.
"How I Love".
The reasons and opinions for how I Love are mine are just that.
This works for me.
Lets set the tone with this music.
I am a very happy single person. The decision to not take on quote on quote relationships just don't work for me.
I am not in the least afraid of love!
I embrace my love!
My loves for several people are fine tuned for them and me. I have always gone after the people that made me weak as they say and to be truthful, I did do the move in buy a house etc!!!
It came down to this "Him or me".
There was never a sense of us.
If this comes across somewhat cynical, please that's not the intention.
I have friends thru the years that have been married forever and more than that the friends that go from relationship to relationship, divorce to divorce.
That is them , this is me.
For my loves I give freedom.
I came to the conclusion that is not fair to love only one and expect the same from them.
Way too many rules, way too many dramas and I don't do the wait and wonder if they are going to call or text mainly now.
I have noticed the art of conversations has passed which is why whomever I meet are always impressed by my inner confidence when we chat.
If you want to win over anyone.
"Confidence rules". It is sexy as sexy gets.
For me, I have been the mistress or other man for so many of my loves. They have their freedom and I have mine.
I cannot waste my time wondering who is kissing them now.
For me and my guys they are in demand from everyone. It goes with the territory. Pretty things are wanted by every one..... And why not?
I have no regrets in the least and have will have great times with them all.
I love them as they are and for me being a writer I always work out the happy ending.
Don't get me wrong, there are conflicts with passion. Otherwise it's not passion.
In order to get over someone you have to forgive yourself.
And then forgive the other either in person or a note or a thought.
The grudge, the sadness, the pain vanishes. You have moved on.
Age or selections never end. Thats on you and like the trains or bus, they come come every thirty minutes.
It's up to you if you want ride.
The only time you should use this word. "Retire". is when you retire from trying to make them happy.
Happiness is a choice and you have to choose it every day.
Want it every day.
Only they can make themselves happy.
It's a choice, Its like water. You need it to live.
Don't go down that road of no sex or too much sex or not enough sex....
Don't judge others on how thay they love or how they approach sex. They get to deal with the trappings that go with their choices.
Dont be afraid to love sex. Sex is the vitamin. Now we have water and vitamins. One a day!
Come on now drink up . Drink up life.
Live it fully, Stop demanding that the person meet your needs.
It's unfair.
It's un realistic.
Set yourself free.
Live again.
Love again.
I can guarantee the ones I have loved and or still love read my blogs. They know who I am . I don't hold back. I am open and share what they share with me but most important only with them.
Another big advice.
Be an Onion!
An Onion has layers that peel away slowly as you get to heart of the onion.
Don't lay everything on the table or for me , "Its check please, I am out of here.
Take the time to get to know your love.
It might be the put on a pedestal love or the one that falls over and breaks.
If it just a moment or as the label suggests, a one night then good.
If you give it away at the start, then whats to look for?
Spend more time looking for that love than you look for a car if that is what you want.
Dont be in a hurry for a happy ending.
It takes what it takes!
You choose!
You Love!
You Live!
I ask for happy every day..... You should as well. That's it Lifers.
I am sure I gave you some thoughts to ponder.
Grow from the seeds I plant....
Thanks to you more and more are getting inspired. More and more are sharing my light.
The path is getting larger. Thanks for the journey. Live-Live-Live
Let the music fill you!!!