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Goodbye Pop tarts, Hello Love!!

Opening new doors, closing ones that no longer work. Making space for the new, throwing away the old. A new relationship is exciting as you learn about the other person, as you get the chance to spend time with someone that interest you. Sadly sometimes as you get to know them you then realize what a train wreck that was or then for some of us, we think we have to keep hoping that it will somehow get better which is very hard because it was never better. Let's start this blog with that awkward feeling and build on this as we go along. Please listen!!!

First off give your self a hand for being brave enough to put yourself out there to either be adored or be trashed. To learn hopefully from each and every experience. If there is not much to remember than there was never anything there anyway.

Having movement in your life is taking the chance to get to into someone's space and seeing whether you fit or not.

I would like to leave you with some rules of the road.

You can have no regrets!

If you do something for someone or possibly love someone and they do not love you back or give you the response you expected then that right there is set up for stress. Its just not good for you.

No two people love the same way.

You have to let people love you the way they know how and if that does not feel right then leave.

If a relationship gets to a point that you want to have a destructive argument then you need to take a step back and ask yourself what are you really angry about? For me the needed commiunications that never ever happened start the hurt cycle and the imagination of what you think they are thinking exposes itself and the spiral begins. Stop!!

SO I repeat!!

Do not do anything for someone and expect the needed response or the tit for tat same thing. It will never be what you think. If there is verbal appreciation or acknoledgement right away, great. If there is no response or even a simple thank you, then the lesson here is that you do if from the heart or not at all. Period!! Giving or doing something for someone and expecting anything is robbing you of the joy of giving anyway, People do not give, people do not love, people do not feel just like you do. We are humans and we all feel things differently. Aren't you glad, it would otherwise be so boring.

I am thankful that I jump into moments with people and have had tremendous experiences not always the happy endings or tragic endings either, But I have had experiences. I sometimes make a game of it all maybe for protection or because I have a jaded sense of humor. I always love the excuses!!! They are always the same and I am in touch enough with people that I watch them lie to me and see how they are going to cover that up. Sometimes the sentences fall apart as quickly as they start. Then there is the eye movements . Usually not continued eye contact, a glance away and then end up back to you or for some people that are just not strong enough to even tell you an excuse at all and deny you feeling the way you do.

If you handle the opening a new door of change the right way and the other person hears you, they might come back or not. You don't need to imagine them not loving anyone like they loved you. That right there is the answer. They will not love the other like they love you. We are all different. I have the relationships that are just for gratifications, sometimes way too many too fast. The energies from each person leaves a index in your brain, your heart. Sometimes the biggest tarts are the loneliest or sometimes they are not.

As ambiguous these statements may seem. As unwilling to commit to set patterns these thoughts may happen. There are so many doors to open and close and re-open and so on and on.

This blog is about beginnings and endings. About starts and finishes. About movement and full stops. Always evolving. Always changing. Always growing.

As for me, I will not love the people I love the same every day. I will not start as the same everyday. Like a tree the branches keep bending and moving toward life. I would never expect anyone to love only me. How controlling! How absurd! How stagnant! For me, this is what works for me. I get you in my life before the final curtain. I want to enjoy what was and is so amazing about the other person. I want to remember the joys and the sadness as well. Its all part of it. It is as intense as you want it to be. You have the controls. Be free to come back or leave for good. If the other person was worth the love you gave then they like a bird set free will fly back to you. If they don't, its ok! It takes two people to be in a relationship. Two energies. DO not over think it, just do it!

The absolute truth is love starts with loving your authentic self. Being happy is personal. No one can make you happy. It is a choice. Just like money it only buys brief moments of joy. Who you are is not returnable for refund. So get out there and love. Get our there and live. But most important just get out there.... What do you have to lose. When you hit rock bottom there us only one way. Up!! Look for the way up. Surround yourself with the ones on the same road. They are the ones that will be there when you run off the road. Live -Live -Live SO in honor of being a true Leo. We love the drama, the spectacle, the spotlight. Give me a stage. some scenery and a curtain and I will perform. Guilty of being a Leo and guilty of being proud. Lets leave on an upbeat.....







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A Blog by Rand Angel

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