Believe, a personal path
To set the tone and substance, we start with.......
The things accomplished, the goals set and the many things I have tried. The temporary set backs that.only give me fuel to keep on going.
My belief system is strong!!
It has always had my back and never failed me.
It has comforted me and grounded me.
When I speak about belief, it is not just about believing in god, the universe or the stronger energy that surrounds us every day. I am speaking about believing in yourself.
The knowing becomes stronger when you let go and have the universe handle the details. It is a path that is personal and designed by you. The ever changing path that turns and veers off in left and right turns. It is created by you and it can be as large or as small as you desire.
I have found that by not setting limits or setting guidelines that my belief in myself gets larger and is always looking for the best.
My beliefs know that I will not settle so it never lies dormant. Always moving, always searching for the better time, the better moment and giving me spectacular signs along the way.
It becomes bigger the more I believe.
Sometimes it takes a jolt, a tragedy, a loss of someone that helped shape your world to make us start to believe, make us start to question. "Is this power real".
I can only tell you from my own experiences with out a doubt. The energy, the faith will never let you fall.
You have to ask , if you want the return.!!
The power has nothing to work on unless you give it a request.
If you want to have a miracle then ask for a miracle.
If you want to believe then ask for the proof.
Believing in yourself is giving yourself a gift and throwing away the package.
The larger the belief, the larger the gift.
Lets make it huge!!