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A blog is meant to INSPIRE, to present a thought, a message. Live-Live-Live is about movement. About making things happen. The people and the never ending events of just living here in my world are my way of sharing of what has or will inspire me.

These are the very people or the happenings in my world that have shown a happier side to me all my life.

This is a side entrance or a doorway if you will into living, loving or being true to you.

My intention is never to sway your views but just show you my vision into them.

If you get a simple thought that this is inspiring or just plain cool, then mission accomplished!

There is no wrong or right way, no yours or my way. It just is!

Live-Live-Live is just what you see. My happiness, my moments, my thoughts to open new windows or new doors because I love you all.

The world is always changing but a simple fact that never changes is not everyone is going to agree, not everyone is going to not agree.

Being true is being yourself!

Being authentic!

And this blog is as authentic as I can be. This is me, this is who I am . Love me, hate me, whatever, but that will not stop me from creating, from inspiring, from giving what I can give to others.

This next week I am back visiting my friends in Los Angeles, the home I never left. I march with my brothers and sisters because we have to show our strength together.

Not my first march, I have been resisting and being me all my life because that is who I know.

I come from a long line of fighters, beginning with my Mom fighting for life from the camps of Germany to me marching in one of the very first gay pride marches, then civil rights marches with Coretta King, Aids marches, woman rights, the list goes on. But my heels are made of steel.

Our freedoms are never free!

You have to keep making your voice heard if you want to make it better.

If you have an opinion or a moment that makes it better for just one soul then you owe it yourself and the ones that can no longer be here with us.

This is for the memory of the ones that loved us, that lived for us and their energy that never leaves us because this is still our journey.

And I just want it to be spectacular.

I deserve it and so do you! Live-Live-Live!!

Ans so I will be singing this on June 11 because I am what I am!!!!






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