Smile, Looking at you kid!!!
Those moments that make you smile!
Those people that make you feel good!
That friend that brings a smile to you face as you think about the conversation you had and the support, love and overall feeling of being needed....
When I opened my media outlets that help me stay in contact, there was the news of a friend that passed all of a sudden. There was the moment that took my breath away but quickly replaced by all the times my friend had made me laugh.
The times when I ran into him almost guaranteed I would hear his laughter as he saw me across the room.
There are those people in you life that leave an everlasting memory that when you think about them whether presently or past, they continue to make you happy. Those times that seemed so hard but they laughed you thru it all.
Then there are those people that make you laugh when you see them on the screen or video. Sometimes you have those days that seem endless without a break and then you come across the video, movie, or media snippet that just turn it all around for you.
The realization that when we are no longer present in this dimension that maybe, that hopefully you were able to change a frown upside down and make it better for the ones you love, the people you come into contact with or anyone in general.. You made a difference because they smiled. And is it not a gift we all need?
a gift we can give so easily???
From the heart,
from the soul,
from the universe!!!!
Here are few of the people in my life that have made me smile and continue to do so every day!
SO to all the people that have made me smile, I pay it forward. "Back at You". Just smile!!!