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We will have "Magic" in the making. It's as if I never said "Goodbye".

Movements forward. Moving forward. Move!!

When I was looking for some inspiration, some movement to share. My light to show and to continue this path of the universe in me, my message became very clear in my heart to continue my own personal march.

So, I wanted to share the people that have moved me, the causes I have marched with and continue to this day. The very causes that make you get up and show yourself to the world. The movement in me. The why I am driven! The roads I travel! The paths I have chosen!

Over the years, the very movements that had the sparks to move me, began with the march in the first gay pride march in Atlanta. Twenty of us protected by police that guarded us from snipers. I am still here!

The march with Coretta Scott King for civil rights. The Aids marches..... so many of these!

The ongoing marches to express our spirit. All about movement.

When you lose over a 150 friends to a disease, or violence spreading or to be inspired by one person. You have to stand up. Get fired up! Get ready to go!

The wall in Berlin when it was built and in the later years before it was torn down. The wall that came down because we chose to open up to our differences and become bound by a simple word.


One of the largest heroes for me that instilled that very spirit in me. The choice to stand up. The choice to live! To begin again! To escape the camps that she was thrown into after seeing her family destroyed in her eyes. To know there was something much larger. My Mom! Louise Angel!!

The movement happened with a larger than life spirit, to survive the holocaust and keep the spark alive in me. This is not about accolades and wanting to prove myself. Its about the love affair I have with the universe and one of my gifts to share. Move! Are you fired Up?

Whether it feels so different or embarrassing to have your voice heard. You can not deny who you are.

Your voice, one voice with other voices can change the world. It can make it closer to showing everyone how strong the belief in something larger can bring us closer to the universe in all its glory!

When you see people, marching or showing their cause because in someway they are starting to feel connected with a common cause of we are all one.

All in this world together!

Sometimes the passion gets so strong, you have to run out in the street and shout, " Hey world, here I am".

Whether it starts with twenty or thousands or one. Its about movement, Change! Connecting! Happiness! A constant theme for all of my blogs. Move! Be Seen! Be who you are!

I am still marching, still making my voice heard thru my blog, thru my writing, thru my connections with my friends, my icons.

To not be afraid to voice my feelings whether accepted or not is my freedom. Its been going on since my Mom and I just can not begin to stop.

So I leave you with another moment that inspired me to this very post.... Remember. I have nothing but love without conditions. It is real. It is who I am . It is me. Move! Are you ready to go? Cheers!!!






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