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Inspire means to move live. This is all about you.

One of the first blogs I wrote, I wanted to visit on :"To Inspire." As a constant supporter of visual statements that I watch people attach to and make statements that moved them, motivated and inspired them, one of the many blessings I have is the ability to see talents in people that hide them from themselves, the world or for whatever reason they feel they do not have permission to dream that thing.

To want that life. To want to be a shinning star.

The universe always gives me more and more support through these people. because I attach to them and maybe for the first time really believe in them. Really see them..... Scary? Not really.

When the universe thinks I am ready, these people appear in my life. They might be for support, for motivation or for reinforcement for my thinking. They might be my next project to move them forward.

Whatever the reasons, they always make a difference in my world because once I get into those heart to heart talks, those deeper sentences with them, I commit to them. Make no question, these people are intense, brilliant and talented. You always want to attract like minded people around you. For many reasons there are not that many that are elevated or want more for themselves.

I always want to make a difference for them because by doing something with out reason for someone is the best gift I can give myself.

As impatient as I am about everything, these people have taught me patience. Expectations from them wiill leave you dissapointed and sometimes feeling of neglect.

We can talk about what they want and I try to give them a vision that moves them forward, that makes them feel appreciated, acknowledged as to who they are as people and they disappear. It is as it is and will always be. When they go away I am confident knowing that they are pouring over themselves and they just need to breathe. No judgements whatsoever!

I have found the gifted, the intelligent to be so unique that what intimidates others simply inspires me for so many things I create. Its all about movement.

You can't be hard on yourself if it seems like it will never happen because it is already happening. The universe is alerted. It starts its lessons to send us. The universe from the very beginning has as it's main goal to make us happy. It will always come through much larger than we imagine. Once your belief in how it all comes together starts to show itself, it rewards and rewards. Constant miracles!

So for me this very blog came about because I watched a movie and read a book about Mame Dennis. Inspired by the want to live life fully , to enjoy it, to know there is always more and to always want more and more. If there are no reasons to anticipate better, to want bigger, to become larger in my mind and heart, then it is time to leave this vessel I live in and move to the next dimension. The universe is always expanding, always seeking larger, better, happier and the best that is or can be offered.

Watch what happens when you become friends with money. Ohh La La

And it started from this simple thought from "Mame"......

And I have!!!

When you have those times after you think you are moving forward and it just seems to not be doing anything. When it is not happening. When you feel lost, like it is never going to happen.

God forbid you use the excuse, I am going to be too old. Remember this! The universe has been around much longer than any of us. What is 50.years to us is a breath to the light that is around us, The power that watches over us.

Just like anything I do and want for the people that read this remember you have already started or you would not be here reading these very words. The next step will come, the next dream will happen because it has to make room for you. Cheers!!! On to the next chapter!






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