Motivate.... It is your move!!
We all have goals. I hope!! If not what are you waiting for? If you are stuck in your life. Move! You have to Move. Even reading this posts. You are moving!
What do you want to be? I would like to add when you grow up, but I hope you never do completely. Keeping the child alive in yourself will keep you vital. It will keep you always young! Will keep you changing! Will give you the energy to move!! Can you feel it yet?
It doesn't have to be a direct path, if anything it can not follow some imaginary straight line. Personally, I have worn many hats, Interior Designer, Hair and Make up artist, Florist, Talent Management, Personal Assistant to the A list, Film Studio Office manager etc... Always looking, always learning and finally settling on the entertainment field.
Full of so many hats, I could never be bored. Producer, Director and finally a writer. Those are just a few. Did I mention cinematographer? That's one that is calling me and I am sure that will happen as well. I have a vision that I want others to see, to know, to live. Simply, the very reason this blog appeared. The writer hat was a mission looking for me. I love writing, I love expressing, I love moving forward.
All of the past moments would motivate me to the next. When you are creative, there can not be any limits. We are all creative!. Some just have to be told they can be, others need permission. The braces are only as big as you let them be from stopping you from being you.
Today, Right now just ask the universe. What am I here for? What are my tasks? What is my path? Ask for the tools. Ask for the next step. Each answer will open the next and the next. But if you don't ask, you can never get what has been here for you all the time.
Then next is easy, put the burden on the universe. Have faith. Believe. Then forget about. It starts the motions for your own personal movement. It will be better than you imagine. What do you love most? What do you love doing most? It takes guts to speak about your passion. You can not be concerned whether others will get it or understand, The ones on the same pages yourself will reveal themselves. Like energy attracts like energy.
What is important? You. You are all that's important. If you don't know that, how can you be important to others?
Cheers!!!Motivate!!!! Look at yourself in the mirror, that is who is responsible for your success, your motivation.
This will be an ongoing segment for triggers to make you move. Its up to me and its up to you. There will be more light, more energy, more, more, more. Celebrate. You just moved. Cheers!!!